Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Lane Leadership

Leadership Day .....Lane Clark
Leading a Real thinking real learning school
Key Messages
Michael Fullens Power Principals
This day was all about identifying my own personal next steps to tackle the change required to make a pedagogical shift in our school
Developing a personal plan to make a difference.
This is a long term shift and change and will continue over many years .
We are only at year 2
Staff need to know that this is not going away , and Developement through Leadership Team is essential to our schools success and capacity to move forward
Notes included
Wildly important Goal for a real thinking learning school
To engage ,to enable , to empower, to awaken their sole
Teaching them how to learn......beyond the curriculum.........how to think
Our goal... To make a difference ..
To kindle kids fires for learning and life..... To engage
To create the magic ...along the way we have to do the tests and follow the imperatives set at school or government level
A discussion tool for where we are at?
the scale of Pedagogical Change
Explore" the process to measure a schools change"
Tracking the change of Pedagogical Change
Use the scale at both an individual and a school level
My to dos
Buy the Big Thinkbox for each room and get it up with our model for learning
Staff meeting
Visual line up of Lanes model and ours ...use the symbols and match pull model into the linear form
Immersion cards ..task cards ....use a thinking tool....maybe think it great process. Lanes model. Ours in a venn what / where is the alignment
Also make up the ORGANISER to guide the teachers discovery
Use the author think model as a staff meeting model to hang the above on
ReRead Michael Fullan 2003 the Power Principals
Re Read Stephen Covey 7 habits and get the 8 habit. Wildly important goals
what next? And in what order?
I like the concept of the tracked think box for each learning module
Use our model add the stretch out in order and use these symbols consistently across the school for the stages...we designed this and agreed on it so use it

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